Sunday, October 21, 2012


きょうのあさろくじはんにおくました, そうしでわたしとわたしのラスメートはジョギングをしました。まいあさジョギングをしますからプリンストンだいがくのキャンパスはりっぱです。


あとに、くじにとしょかんにいきました。いま、にほんごのしゅくだいをします。まいにちようびいつもべんきょうします。ぜんぜんコーヒーをのみません、でも, あしたテストがあります。


(>_<) こんしゅうまついくないです。。。それはたいへんです!

Tuesday, October 16, 2012


きょう アメリカの Presidential Debate をみましたか?

:( わたしはPresidential Debate をみませんでした、でもいまPresidential Debate Transcript をよみます!

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Reflections and Goals

PE 1 Reflection: (This is me reflecting vvv)

My original goals were very reflective of what I wanted to achieve by the end of the semester, so obviously, I did not complete all of them. However, I made lots of improvements. After just one month of learning Japanese, I am able to fully introduce myself, have basic conversation, and talk about my daily activities. I can fluently introduce myself although thinking about verbs + actions + particles slows down my speaking. Also, now I am a lot more conscious about the different factors that affect speaking such as intonation, pitch, fluidness, etc.  Therefore, I think achieved my goal of speaking more coherently, but only in terms of introductions. Also, through shadowing, I was able to practice immitating correct rhythms. My vocabulary is definitely expanded and I can now fluently read ひらがな.

  1. I was able to listen to recordings and repeat without looking at the ひらがな.
  2. By now, ひらがな is second nature and I do not need to look back at the chart.
  3. Shadowing 10 minutes a day is a lot, so I think to be realistic, I should try to do 10 minutes every other day.
  4. I couldn't go to Japanese language table, but I went to office hours every week!
  5. I talked to my Japanese friends a little bit, but after I learn more, I will be able to sustain longer conversations.

Now for PE2:

  • To combine all aspects of pronunciation (pitch, intonations, speed, etc.) while being conscious of grammar
  • To make particles more attached to the noun so that it is more fluid and sounds more like a native
  • To learn vocabulary at a faster rate


  • Go to Japanese Table when I don't have meetings (once every two weeks)?
  • Go to Office Hours once a week when I don't go to Japanese Table and practice pronunciation as well as free speaking, using new vocabulary that we have learned
  • Continue speaking with my Japanese friends
  • Shadow once every two days for at least 10 minutes a day.
  • Listen to recordings as I learn the vocabulary.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Happy Canadian Thanksgiving!

I forgot! きのう was Canadian Thanksgiving. Happy Canadian Thanksgiving! Because わたしはカナダじんです!

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Self Introduction Video

Here's my Self-Introduction Video

Here is something for fun. My friend was helping me practice my self-introduction! せんせい、plese don't grade this one below :]

Long time no post

Long time no post. Before I do my self-introductory video, thought I'd do something fun! I learned some new phrases at しばたせんせい's office hour!



I fell.. and hurt myself...
Also, わたしのちち の たんじょうびは 10月5日 です. So my sister and I met up in ニューヨーク since she was at a business trip! We had a lot of fun!