Sunday, February 24, 2013



下のあねたちと出会おう!私の下のあねの名前はVera Wangですけど、有名な結婚式のデザイナーの人じゃないです。




Monday, February 18, 2013

ニュージャージー州知事選挙 (New Jersey Governor Election)


民主党(Democratic)のバーバラ ボーノはあまたがよくて,政治(politics) が上手だとおもいます!詳細情報:

Thursday, February 14, 2013


今日はバレンタインデーです!フォーブズ カレッギで四時半から六時までバレンタインデーのイベントがありました。私の日本語はあまりよくなかったです。。。

五時に私のボーイフレンドとトライアンフ(Triumph's) でおいしい晩ご飯を食べて、リンツ(Lindt)のホットチョコレートを飲みました。とてもたのしかったです!私のボーイフレンドは私にはなを買いました!とてもロマンチックですね。


私はボーイフレンドに”Ellipse Poem Gram" を買いました。十一時に、ボーイフレンドのルームメイトは詩を暗唱しました。

それは少し不適切です(a little bit inappropriate).

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Katakana Analysis Draft

In our Japanese class, when we first learned about Katakana, the primary usage that was described was the use of Katakana in foreign and loan words. However, through this Katakana Analysis project, it is clear that Katakana has more symbolic meaning since it is also used in various mediums today in Japan, from commercials to newspapers. Two usages of Katakana, therefore, caught my attention.

First of all, in a street sign that says "Do Not Throw Away Trash" (ゴミをすてないで), it's interesting that Katakana is used even when there is a hiragana version of it (ゴミ vs. ごみ).
As textbooks ambiguously explain, Katakana is also used to show emphasis. However, it is not very clear as to what type of emphasis Katakana usually brings. In this case, Katakana brings attention to the word trash as a means to promote environment-friendly practices. Even in the physical appearance of the sign, the Katakana is enlarged. The straight lines also serve a sharp contrast to the kanji and hiragana. Perhaps there is a physical aspect that contributes to the emphasis that Katakana brings.

Another example is from Vivi Japanese magazines. In this magazine, there is a loanword レトロガール. In this case, even though it is a loanword, there is some sort of emphasis that is portrayed through Katakana. Namely, Retro Girl in Katakana exhibits a rather modernized and "retro" tone. Historically, foreign words have been associated with modern, thereby, promoting this magazine to a younger crowd. Again, the physical appearance of Katakana also contributes to the sense of modernity.

Overall, in textbook explanations, there seems to be an emphasis on Katakana's usage of replacing foreign words. However, there are various and ambiguous means of explaining a certain essence of Katakana. For example, in one textbook, Katakana is merely described as "normally used for writing loanwords and foreign names." Meanwhile, another textbook mentions that it is more "angular" and is "restricted to loanwords, onomatopoeic words, and words the writer wishes to emphasize." Nevertheless, there seems to be a certain lack of analysis to its physical attributions in relation to the type of emphasis and tone Katakana visually (and aurally) relates to the reader. Perhaps this unspoken modernized tone is rather controversial (as it admits the relationship between foreign and modernized) or perhaps the tone is rather ambiguous and open to interpretation itself.

Sunday, February 10, 2013


私の一番好きな飲み物は豆乳(Soy Milk)でした。でもいま、飲み物の中で、私はビールが一番好きです!





Wednesday, February 6, 2013

新学期:PE 1


Anyway, here are my goals for PE exercises:
  • To be able to have basic, natural conversations in Japanese
  • To follow grammar/vocabulary at a much faster pace than last semester
  • To be able to comprehend natural/native Japanese, understanding the basic gist of the conversation
  • To improve my intonation, accents, etc.
  • To be able to conjugate verbs and adjectives naturally without many mistakes.
  • To talk fluently.
  • During class, when we do exercises and drills, try not to look at the powerpoint to see if I can memorize how demo conversations will run
  • Do shadowing every other day for 10 minutes
  • Go to Japanese language table once every two weeks, and even try to go to the harder level one.
  • Try to have a basic conversation with Japanese friends frequently and even learn some slang.
  • Blog more. I want to be able to communicate my feelings/hobbies/interests better.
  • Do extra homework... especially the dictation.
  • Practice listening comprehension first without looking at the text
I feel like this year I have better goals/motivations since I would love to have a wonderful summer experience. I will also go to office hours to not only learn about pronunciation, but learn about Japanese culture.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013


それは新学期なので、私はうれしいです! 休みはとてもたのしくていそがしくなかったです、でもいま私はべんきょうしたいです!

それから、私は健康になりたいです! 3月17日にニューヨーク市のハーフマラソンがあって、4月17日にラトガーズ大学のハーフマラソンがあって、6月1日に "Tough Mudder"があります。毎日七時ごろに運動をします!

"Tough Mudder" は何ですか?見てください:
