Thursday, January 10, 2013

Reflections and Goals for the LAST TIME


Well, here's my last reflection of the semester!

Goals: The Princeton TV project really helped me with combining all aspects of pronunciation especially since I had to memorize it as well. We were able to incorporate a lot of difficult grammar structures AND add acting to it. Of course, speed is a different story when you actually have to think on your toes about what to say. However, just like the shadowing exercises, the TV project helped as well. Moreover, I am now more used to particles. Vocabulary is still iffy, but I know it comes with time. Unfortunately, because of the long winter break, I wasn't able to really practice my Japanese as much, so I felt like my last PE recording was not as great.

Activities: I went to some of the Japanese Tables and I did go to Office Hours more than I used to! I tried to speak with Japanese friends, but there weren't very many opportunities when I went back home. I also wasn't able to shadow as much since I was working on my JP. I listened to the recordings of vocabulary and dialogues however.


Tuesday, January 8, 2013


冬休みはとてもいそがしかったです、でもクリスマスにたのしかったです!クリスマスに私はかぞくといっしょにおいし晩ご飯をたべました。  私のあねはサンフランシスコからきました。私の一番長女はトロントからきました。


そして、私は私の姉妹と一緒にボードゲームをプレイします。ボードゲームの中で、"頭蓋" (Cranium) 一番すきです。

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Back to Princeton: Recap of 冬休みの最初の週


冬休みはとてもよくて、たのしかったです。 冬休みは三週間なので、休みの中で冬休みが一番好きです。でも、この冬休みの方が最後休みよりよくないでした。うちでゆっくりしたいでしたが毎日べんきょうして、しゅだいをしました。そして、私のフライトはごご二時だった。でも、休日の間に, たくさんのひとは列車でうちにかえるので、二時半にくうこうにいきました。。。あしたのごぜん八時に、カルフォルニアにいきました。



それから、月曜日に、歯科医のオフィス (Dentist Office) にいきました。今、親知らず (Wisdom Teeth) がありません。

