Monday, September 17, 2012

Day 3: Trying to Memorize all the Hiragana


日本語 is really hard, especially since I'm also taking 5th year Chinese at the same time. A lot of people told me that it shouldn't be that confusing since 1) Chinese can help me learn Japanese and 2) 5th year must mean I know Chinese so that means it shouldn't be that hard!

BUT... everybody is wrong!

First of all, I'm getting a little bit confused BECAUSE I know Chinese. When I see 三, I want to say 三 with a Chinese accent. When I see せ、か、い, I want to write 世,功,以. Also, before I went to だいがく、I didn't even speak a word of Chinese, I only spoke Shanghainese. After two years of intensive Chinese learning and spending a summer in Beijing, I am proud to say I can fluently listen and understand Mandarin Chinese, but not fluently read, write, and speak. 所以,我的中文也不太好,结果五年级的中文课也很难!

But I love all the せんせい so far. しばたせんせい is my friend's mother!

Also, I'm so excited to take Japanese because I wanted to do ever since I was 13 years old. I went through a phase where I tried to learn by myself and even went as far as to take one semester at a community college. The class was only once a week and I barely remember anything. I only remember learning  ひらがな but we never even learned かんじ or カタカナ. But at one point in my life, I knew ひらがな! I'm just also excited to take Japanese because I've been interested in its culture. I am an East Asian Studies major, focusing on comparative politics and I think it's fascinating especially nowadays when the tension in East Asian countries are rising.

Well, I'm off to study!

Also one thing I am nervous about is learning かんじ, because when I see the characters, the Chinese pronunciation will always pop up in my head first!



  1. Awesome! I'm also from Shanghai, though am incapable of speaking Shanghainess. Your discovery of the morphological resemblance between か and 功 is interesting, I never thought about that. Well done : )


  2. Wang さん、わたしは Zhao さんです、どうぞ よろしく。
    わたしは ノートルダムだいがくの にねんせい です。

    Hi Wang-san, my name is Mengtian. Nice to meet you. I'm a sophomore at Notre Dame and I'm also learning Japanese. I know exactly what you are talking about! Before I start learning Japanese everybody told me it should be easy because I already know Chinese. Well-it's NOT! It's extra hard instead because the characters look so alike. がんばって(do your best)! ^_^
